Exhibition Stand, UK



Create an environment to showcase the Okta brand and host both one-to-one conversations and show-and-tell sessions.


The space allocated was small for the type of activities it needed to support, so we ensured each element had a double purpose. The screen showed automated content and could also be used for presentations. A lectern was used as a table between show-and-tells, and a table was used as a white board during one-to-one conversations. We also created plenty of storage space.


A beautifully designed, bespoke environment that exudes the quality of the brand and supports brand messaging. Built to last, it’s a sustainable set-up that can be stored for the next event.

“I loved the engagement zone, and the benches [bespoke build].”

- Emily Magee, Senior Event Manager

How can we help?

From strategy development to logistics and from design to production and content, we’ve got it all covered. We can handle every aspect of your event for you, or step in to provide support wherever you need it.
Our Services