Global Partner Conference, France

Clyde & Co

Professionally planned and creatively produced the Paris Conference helped Clyde & Co energise partners and evolve its relationship with Alive.

Global law firm Clyde & Co has always been committed to bringing its partners together regularly. When the pandemic interrupted this pattern, Alive helped the firm find innovative ways forward.

Clyde & Co has more than 2,400 lawyers working in its offices around the world; supporting clients across insurance, transport, energy, infrastructure and trade & commodities. To help keep its people aligned and engaged it runs regular international events.


In the spring of 2020 this pattern was interrupted.


Will Brewster, Global Head of Communications, took over responsibility for events the previous year. As he planned for 2021, Will realised that the COVID considerations would bring new complexity. He knew he needed some extra, expert support.

Virtual imperative

The firm had decided to push its next Global Partner Conference to late 2021, hoping things would normalise. Before this, there was still a need for a mid-year Partner Meeting – a constitutional requirement – which would need to be run virtually because nobody could travel.


Alive had already been recommended to Will. He explains the support and clarity provided, from his first meeting with the team onwards:

“Alive provided a solution quickly and flexibly, explaining how a studio could be set up in our London office. I felt immediately that Alive would be responsive and liked the model described: to bring in the best people for each job. Alive not only made our event seem achievable, but the pricing was clear so I could scale things up and down with my budget.”

- Will Brewster, Global Head of Communications at Clyde & Co

Alive built a team to plan and deliver a meeting, using highly experienced and trusted virtual event specialists. Will worked alongside the Alive team to produce videos and other content in advance of the event.


Hybrid flexibility

Following a successful Partner Meeting, Will asked Alive to plan the Global Partner Conference taking place in November. This biannual partner event would take on a hybrid, TV show-style format, with a high degree of flexibility built in as nobody could predict how many people would attend in person.


It was an exciting, ambitious production, featuring pre-recorded content, ‘head-to-head’ interviews, interactive sessions, and audience polling. Alive brought in a larger team to handle the end-to-end planning and production. At this time, Clyde & Co was also launching a new brand, which brought new creative considerations.


Will explained the outcome of this distinctive format: “As well as involvement from Chad and Krystina, we had two Producers. Together they helped us organise the creative, production, overall format, and presentation. I knew Alive would bring in the right people to get the job done.”


Return to regionals

In 2022 Will asked Alive to organise a series of regional events. These would be ‘unplugged’ and bring people together in person once again. They varied in scale from fewer than 100 attendees, to more than 300 delegates from across Europe at the London event.


The Alive team developed a simple concept and staging approach that fitted with the law firm’s leadership style and preference for informal, panel-based discussions.


Will was impressed with their creative decisions, and how the process was evolving: “We got a look and feel that was impactful without being extravagant and fitted with our new brand and values. Together we had learned so much from the previous events that the whole process was much slicker.”


Planning for Paris

In 2023 came the Global Partner Conference: a flagship event which helps Clyde & Co’s partners connect with each other and with the firm’s agenda. It was to be held in Paris in early July and would bring together some 450 partners from 24 different countries.


This fully staged, two-day conference took place at the Pullman Montparnasse Hotel in the heart of the city. It featured diverse content, top class catering and entertainment that included a special Seine cruise. Will reflected that: “The entertainment was fantastic – the river cruise on a lovely July evening had class and was memorable for all.”


Alive organised elements from the event handbook and online Partner Hub providing live agenda updates and information on all external speakers. Video production included an animation on the topic of financial hygiene, which was received particularly well by the partners.


Will recalls the focus from the team on every single aspect: “Alive worked with us to produce impactful content. They introduced video production experts with the character and experience to produce great results. Our producer Jon Coventry was brilliant at keeping on top of everything: he often provided more help or advice than I expected.”


The event was an all-round success, Will noted: “The Paris conference was a truly professional event. We did a really good job of getting messages across, creatively and without over-complicating things. It was fully in line with how Clyde & Co operate as a business and live our values: to work as one, excel with clients, celebrate difference and act boldly.”

The journey continues

Will recognises that the relationship has come a long way: “Through a virtual, to a hybrid, then an in-person event, Alive has provided me with a go-to source of support. We can be open with them and, although what we need changes constantly, we know we can go to them, and they will find a way. There is real trust there.”


He is looking ahead with confidence at the next AGM, regional events, and another Global Partner Conference in 2025.


“Our events aren’t just get-togethers, but vital opportunities to connect with people and energise our partners, and key to the future of our firm,” he concluded.

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How can we help?

From strategy development to logistics, and from design to production and content creation, we've got it all covered. We can handle every aspect of your event for you, or step in to provide support wherever you need it.
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